How to clean the lid and nozzle of your Camelbak Podium bottle

My first encounters with Camelbak Podium bidons were not great, I borrowed a bottle from Ali for use on quick ride but but I was soon struggling with it!

What I hadn't experienced before in my two decades of cycling was an increase in nozzle length, every time I wen't for a sip I ended up punching myself in the face - I'd have to relearn how to drink my go-juice on the go though as a couple of days later I received a gift from Ali of two brank spanking new GCN bidons.

I was a bit reluctant to margin:10px; use them initially as my experience had shown me that the aforemoentioned drinking outlet had the habit of skaning up quite readily so much so that I'd caught Ali a short while later stooping on her bike, uscrewing the lid and drinking out of the opening in preference to the water having to pass through the bacterial infestation.

I had a go at rmoving it but was getting no-where just with the use of my hands. We'd considered asking someone with a dishwasher to have a go in that for us but didn't get round to it.

It wasn't till I bought her an new one in advance of our Girona training camp that I could up the braveness without worrying if I busted it.

So brave pills taken and the first attempt I wanted was with something blunt. I was in the kitchen so I reached for a teaspoon and proceeded to jam it up the spout as far as it would go, it was then just a case of levering it a bit and the fella popped off.

The worringing thin here is that once you get it open you really see how grimed up it is - the translucent nozzle manages to hide the worst of it, eergh!

It actually comes apart into three pieces with a bit of tug.

You'll be glad to know that from this point it is a super easy to get spangly clean then just pops back together and you are ready to go.

Happy riding and enjoy your good-s-new bottle.

Tags : camelbak bidon clean spoon gcn

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