
Automated batch conversion of Garmin FIT files to GPX in Linux

Following on from my post of how to batch convert Garmin Fit files to GPX using Babel GPS in Windows, thought I'd follow it up with the equivalent Linux command. Obvs you need gpsbabel installed but run this command in the directory you are storing the files and you are away find . -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.fit" -exec gpsbabel -rt -i garmin_fit   more »

Automated batch conversion of Garmin FIT files to GPX in Windows

Whilst working on a project to output the elevation chart of a GPX track I came across some code to produce your own heatmap from a bunch of gps tracks. I thought that'd be pretty cool to visualized my own as I've been using Strava's global heatmap since it was released in 2017 to plot mountain bike routes. I was pretty bummed that when they   more »

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