
How to make and set up a twitter bot on your own server / Raspberry Pi

How to make and set up a twitter bot on your own server / Raspberry PiAs a follow up from my ealier post introducing my twitter bot I thought I'd tell you how I did it and how to set one up on you own RaspberryPi or other Linux server. How it works It's not that tricky when you think it through, it is just hooking a few existing processes together to create your working bot. The only real tricky part for me was that   more »

Excel: create static random number generator function which doesn't change

The random function in excel is a bit lacking if you ask me, I may only use it a little but when I do it is always frustrating that when I want to assign random numbers to a list of something Just wack this in your spreadsheet or personal macros workbook: then you are free to use   more »

Best case for Canon Legria HF M506 camcorder

Best case for Canon Legria HF M506 camcorderSo I got myself a new bit of tech a couple of months back, a new camcorder, primarily for our upcoming safari. This thing is genius, 50 times zoom, HD recording and a cracking optical image stabilisation. I've been putting it through it's paces in the mean time on bird watching trips with Ali and it has been a brilliant tool for post trip analysis   more »

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