Hayfield figure of eight route - MTB ride

This route is a goto classic of mine, the north loop ridden clockwise, the climbing is pretty easy but there are some cracking descents.

The south section is ridden anti-clockwise - it is not so imperveous to being wet and sloppy in the winter months, but give it a bit of frost and it'll be good to go.

The highlight of the ride is the decent from Lantern Pike, its a cracker.

It finishes off with the 'legendary' campsite descent but to be honest its pretty rubbish as descents in the Peaks go. The ride uses the very pleasant Sett Valley Trail to link the sections which enables you to ride either loop first.

Ride details
Distance 21km
Elevation gain 600m
Start: Sett Valley Trail car park in Birch Vale | £4
Toilet: behind visitor centre

There's a little detour you can make to extend the south loop - carry on past Shedyard Fm towards Cloughhead then take the 'next left' back up towards New Allotments.

Tags : MTB cycle route ride peakdistrict peaks gpx

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