How to shift the time in your GPX file

Here are the intructions to shift the time of you GPX file, especially useful if you have just bought an Aldi GPS watch:

Step one

Download and install GPS Babel.

Step two

In the folder where you store your gpx files create a new text document and rename it

GPX minus 1hr.bat

making sure you change the whole file name including the file extension

Step three

Edit the file by opening it in notepad

Step four

Paste this code in and save:

SET file=%1.old
IF NOT EXIST %file% copy %1 %1.old
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GPSBabel\gpsbabel.exe" -t -r -w -i gpx -f %file% -x track,move=-1h -o gpx -F %1

This is for Windows Vista/7 installations

Step five

Drag and drop the file you want to change the time on. It will create a backup of your file and shift the time for you.


Alternatively you can download the file here.


Tags : gpx gpsbabel

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